Welcome to the Universe of Intellectual Property:

No Knowledge Left Undiscovered

ATTVC (originally intended for"Advanced Text To Visual Conversion") is providing a software suite for Intellectual Property Professionals enabling them to perform a near ideal job.

Intellectual Property Productivity Suite

ATTVC is to help innovators, attorneys, scientists, the Examiners, and all people involve in IP creations and protection, to become more productive while enhancing the quality of their work significantly... read more

A Breakaway Method In NLP Using Closed Form Formula (vs. Optimization)​

Mathematically Rigorous Theory Of Intelligence (vs. Data Training)​

Developed In House, Tested & Protected Technology / Products

Being knowledgeable about the latest progress, ideas, and technologies in your area of expertise, or related to your inventions, is instrumental when you are going to generate original and significant inventions. The ATTVC's discovery suit is not only instrumental in finding the right prior art before you file for a patent application, but also it is instrumental in creating and devising a yet more novel and substantial solutions and inventions. ...read more

Reading and comprehending an invention's disclosure or description is the most demanding task for an IP practitioner. Educating oneself about and making sense of an invention is the most challenging part of the practice of IP protection for your client. However, acquiring the right knowledge about the client's invention is absolutely necessary if you are going to protect your client's best interest. ...read more

Examining the eligibility and validity of a claimed invention is not a simple matter. ...read more

Utility Patents are the most comprehensive and often the most valuable types of Intellectual Properties... read more

WIPO and requirements .. read more

Find the party to invent jointly.. read more

IP Licensing

This section perhaps will be filled with materials about licensing. Included is one exemplary article about licensing with the source. .. read more